Fear Free

Fear FreeSM is about making the veterinary visit a positive experience by reducing fear, anxiety and stress from the time the appointment is made until the time you and your pet leave the clinic.
Has This Ever Happened To You?
You pull out the cat carrier and now your cat is nowhere to be found. He's hiding and you practically need super powers to catch him!
You are driving your dog to the vet clinic. You take a different road to get there but you look in the rear view mirror and your car's interior has a fresh layer of slobber on it from your wildly panting dog. She knows she's going to the vet
Some signs of fear, anxiety and stress are easy to see, but there are more common, more subtle signs that your pet might be feeling a little less than calm.
The staff at our clinic know how to recognize when your pet is stressed. Our practice has been following many of the recommendations that are part of a movement in veterinary care called Fear FreeSM.
By becoming professionally certified in Fear FreeSM, you'll know that our staff members have completed a comprehensive training course and exam and are ready to work with you and your pets to make your visit as stress free as possible. From the moment that you schedule an appointment, to waiting in our lobby, to being in the exam room and even checking out at the front desk and leaving, our Fear FreeSM certified staff will work to reduce stress, fear and anxiety in your pet and in you.
Click here to read Dr. Frost’s Observer Today article for some examples of how we integrate Fear FreeSM techniques into our practice.
Click here to read 10 things that make Fear FreeSM veterinary visits different.
Print these handy tips on preparing your pet for a trip to the clinic:
How to prepare your pet for a veterinary visit
How to make the trip to veterinary hospital Fear Free
Learn more about making Fear FreeSM a part of every day, visit fearfreehappyhomes.com